The Impact of Emotional Abuse From a Parent and the Adult You Become

My guest for this episode, Dr. Jonice Webb, is the foremost expert in Childhood Emotional Neglect (CEN). What she has to say may cause you to realize that there was emotional abuse from a parent that you’ve carried through to adulthood. Don’t miss this one!

Is it possible that you were subject to emotional abuse from a parent, as a child? Is a child you know currently in an unhealthy situation?


  • Wondering why you may downplay your own needs and not ask for much?
  • If you’ve experienced Childhood Emotional Neglect, how do you become more confident?
  • Why you may still be tamping down your anger?
  • What is the connection between Childhood Emotional Neglect, and troubles in relationships?
  • How can a person who has experienced CEN begin to get in greater touch with their emotions?
  • What are the likely impacts of CEN in an adult’s life?

In this episode, I asked:

“Do you recognize what emotional abuse of children is? It’s much more than you might think.”

Abuse is any behavior that isĀ designed to control or dominateĀ another person. Whether that is through fear, humiliation, intimidation, isolation, guilt, blaming, manipulation or denial.Ā Therefore, emotional abuse is simply any abuse that is emotional rather than physical.

It can include belittling, discounting,Ā manipulating the emotions of another and constant criticism. It can be less obvious than that, such asĀ continuous disapproval, or the refusal to ever be pleased by another in any way.

It can be engaging children in age-inappropriate behavior, or engaging in age-inappropriate confidences. When a parent tries to engage a child to take his/her side against the other parent, this isĀ emotional abuse.

Emotional abuse from a parentĀ is often more subtle than theĀ systematic wearing away of a child’s self-esteemĀ and self-confidence.Ā Emotional abuse cuts to the core of their being, creating scars, impressions and perceptions that are far deeper and longer-lasting than physical ones. An attempt to distort or undermine a childā€™s perception of the world is emotional abuse.Ā Ā 

In this episode, I’ve given a very clear example of a situation that might not sound abusive on first hearing, but, once you’ve listened to this, you’ll see things differently!


GUEST: DR. JONICE WEBB, Author of the first book written on Childhood Emotional Neglect ( CEN )

Dr Jonice Webb on Childhood Emotional Neglect and emotional abuse from a parentJonice Webb, PhD, is a licensed psychologist, speaker, blogger, and best-selling author. Dr. Webb wrote the first book ever written aboutĀ Childhood Emotional Neglect, and is recognized worldwide as the pioneer of Childhood Emotional Neglect, CEN .

Dr. Webb is dedicated to bringing awareness of the power of Childhood Emotional Neglect to people everywhere. She is the author of Running On Empty: Overcome Your Childhood Emotional Neglect, and Running On Empty No More: Transform Your Relationships.

Were you everĀ shamed for having emotionsĀ in your early life? That’s a prime example of a type of Childhood Emotional Neglect. You may never have thought about it in those terms, and today’s episode will bring much more than this to light for you.

DR. WEBB’S FREE GIFT FOR YOU:Ā Take her Childhood Emotional Neglect Questionnaire



Twitter:Ā Ā @JWebbPhD


What folks have said…
Your podcast saved me from a world of chaos, fog, confusion, and fear. Everything finally makes sense. I have been listening and learning, connecting the dots, and am tired of sitting in the reality ā€œthat this is terrible.ā€ I want and need tools to break extremely unhealthy and deeply rooted family dynamics in order to save my sanity, my marriage, and my family. I especially do not want this to affect my children and how they approach, build, and maintain future relationships.
~ Client