Expecting Emotional Maturity from a Narcissist? Don’t Hold Your Breath!!!
SOOO frustrating! You hoped for a partner, parent, sibling, or adult child with whom you could communicate, collaborate, and co-operate, but no. You live most of the time with q

Narcissists Make OUTRAGEOUS ASKS. Learn to say NO,
Narcissists ask for too much…and they expect to get it. It’s essential to hear that a question is outrageous so you can respond differently. If you’ve been with a Hijackal

Standing Up to Narcissistic Intimidation – Here’s How!
Being with a narcissistic person is scary, right? You are usually wrong…even when you’re right!. You never know what mood they’ll be in. They lie, gaslight, rage, and fall silent.

How Being the Golden Child In the Family Hurts You
Can’t do anything wrong? Get away with nonsense? Get extra goodies? Attention? Time? Might sound good but it can get old fast and leave you with very poor self-esteem and

STOP OVERSHARING. It’s dangerous.
You want someone–at least one someone–to hear you, see you, believe you. So you share. Sadly, that often turns into oversharing, leaving you a little red-faced. if you fully embarrassed

Stop Being “Too Nice!” It encourages Hijackals.
You may think that it’s impossible to be “too nice.” It’s not. It actually can make things worse…and that’s just what it does when you’re in a relationship with a

How Crazy-Making Hijackals Use PLAUSIBILITY to Suck You In
Most people want to believe the stories of others. You want to be able to trust, right? So, you’re inclined to be sucked in by plausible stories, excuses, reasons, etc..

Top 12 Traits That Scream Hijackal!!! Don’t Be in Denial.
You’re a good person. You want to see the best in folks. You are right ready to help someone excuse their poor behavior, and be understanding. Hijackals count on that!

Narcissists ARE Aggressive. Don’t Poke a Hijackal on Purpose
Narcissists and other Hijackals are infuriating, frustrating, and crazy-making. You reach the end of your tether and you want to tell them everything that’s wrong with them and more. You’ve

Stop Kidding Yourself. Narcissists Behave Badly & Get Worse!!!
You want to believe that love can change people, right? So, you give, give, and give in yet nothing really gets better beyond a half minute. You decide to give

How Having a Narcissistic Mother Messes with You Long-term
For those who grow up under the shadow of a narcissistic mother, the journey to self-discovery and building healthy relationships can be a turbulent one. We’re going to unpack how

TOXIC SHAME – Why Narcissists NEED You to Feel WORTHLESS
Unless they want something badly, narcissists want you to be in emotional chaos. In fact, they want you to feel less than and inadequate. Back-handed and blindsiding, they do their

Having a Hijackal adult child is confusing, infuriating, disappointing, and frustrating among many other things. (And, it’s worse when your child creates children!) What you DON’T do is as important

Narcissists ARE Revenge-Seekers
You may not think about it like that, AND, it’s true. Narcissists ARE Revenge-Seekers. Whether the revenge is subtle or obvious, small or huge, it’s still revenge. Once you see

Narcissists Use INSULTS Because They Can’t Use LOGIC!
Insults are a low, low form of expressing disagreement. Not strange that narcissists stoop that low, is it? Their incessant NEED to win means they will go low in hopes

NARCISSISTS = The Ultimate Frenemies
You want a best friend and a narcissist won’t be one. You want a confidante and a narcissist uses your words against you. At best, Hijackals® are frenemies. You’re unsafe