Help for Handling Hijackals

How to Spot a Hijackal

An introduction to the toxic people I call Hijackals. Get my free ebook to help you quickly recognize them, especially when they’ve been right under your nose for years.

Escaping the Hijackal Trap

Even when you know you’re with a Hijackal, getting out of a toxic relationship – or understanding how to live safely and fully within one – can seem really hard.Ā 

Be Narcissist Proof

Boost your resilience and resistance to Hijackals in your future. You deserve to live free of emotional and verbal abuse. Learn how to reclaim your power and rebuild your life.

Dive Deeper & Learn More

I have an extensive library of videos and podcast episodes that cover a wide range of toxic relationship issues.

Buy books & audio

Need to work up to doing the work? Grab one or two of my ebooks or audio “booster shots” to get you started.

Work with Dr. Shaler

When you know you’re ready to start really doing the work to build your own strength, navigate issues with your partner, or make a plan for next steps, work with me directly.

What folks have said…
Each week between classes, I was receptive to a lot of the concepts we discussed the previous week. Learning the concepts opens your eyes to them. Being able to recognize them makes them useful tools to build a better relationship.

Do you know a Hijackal?

If you feel hoodwinked, scapegoated, always wrong, always blamed, and powerless, you are likely in the grips of a Hijackal.

Not sure what a Hijackal looks like? This free ebook can help you know what to look for.

Book an new client introductory session with Dr. Shaler.

Still not sure?

I have 100s of podcast episodes and videos to help you to successfully navigate the journey from recognizing to recovering and rebuilding after toxic relationships with HijackalsĀ® and other narcissistic or anti-social people.

Recent Podcast Episodes

Uncover valuable insights about your relationship – with a partner, ex, parent, sibling, or adult child.