
Women! What To Do When You Feel You’re Not Enough

If you are in a toxic relationship, Hijackals make it their mission to wear you down, tear your down, and put you down. Listen in for the inspiration & strategies to say “No More!: w stand. Say NO to anyone trying to tell you you don’t matter!

For women to be in their power does not mean they are seeking power over other humans!

It’s an inside job!


  • What is self-love? It’s sometimes over-used and unclear.
  • Have women really come a long way?
  • How to recognize whether it’s our brains or our bodies that are running our thoughts
  • Why and how women have been tricked into competition
  • Why it’s absolutely imperative that you stop using self-deprecating language
  • How and why every woman needs to be in her power, expressing fully

Even though women have made strides towards equality for all humans, there are still many ways to address. Today, we’re talking about the internal journey of finding our sense of self, getting in touch with how we may not be being our own best friends!

How do you feel when you hear the term, “self-love?” Does it sound like how you feel, or does it sound like something obvious or foreign? Sometimes, I think it has been used to the point that people hearing it don’t take it in, so we’ve addressed that today. And, what it means.

How about women’s feminine spiritual power? Intrigued? We explore this, and how we can manifest our true nature through accepting our power.

So much to inspire women in this episode just for them, OR YOU!. Enjoy!

Big hugs,



not enoughAudrey Hope, D.D. is an award-winning certified addiction therapist and holds a Doctor of Divinity degree, who uses her abilities as a clairvoyant psychic medium to heal patients from trauma.

A multi-talented force in the healing arts for over 20 years, Audrey Hope’s gentle-but-firm approach in addiction and relationships gets to the ‘root of the root’ to solve problems through spiritual modalities as she guides patients to freedom using a new frontier of healing to achieve inner peace.

She has her own practice in the heart of Brentwood, CA, is the host of her weekly YouTube advice show “Hope For Relationships,” and is also an addiction therapist at Seasons In Malibu rehab facility.

Throughout two decades in her field, Audrey has worked with an abundance of celebrities, producers, CEOs, doctors, lawyers, authors, athletes, heirs, and more – helping them cope with their relationship and/or addiction problems.







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