
Tag: falling out of love

falling in love

Relationship Problems: Moving towards bitter, or better?

In relationships, stuff happens. There are always relationship problems, and they range from incidental to mammoth. When you talk to other people about an issue in your relationship before you have discussed it fully with your partner, you are “dialing for drama.” Read this blog post to understand why that only makes things worse and is voting in the direction of bitter rather than better for your relationship.

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Relationship Problems: Can You Fall Out of Love?

Is love some kind of dangerous extreme sport? “He fell for her, hook, line and sinker.” “We took the plunge.”… and then, “We’ve fallen out of love.”
Clearly, one has to be intrepid to take up all this extreme activity in the first place. Nature, though, leads us into the heights and depths when we are first smitten. And, there we are: swinging, free of helmets, rip cords and safety harnesses. We have fallen in love…we think.

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