Wrestling Rhinos: Conquering Conflict in the Wilds of Work (Print)


Wrestling Rhinos” is THE competitive edge for the 21st century.

Finally, a practical communication and conflict management approach that’s not as painful as the problems it attempts to solve! This is a must-read business title! Dr. Shaler has delivered the only book that actually demonstrates how improving your ‘people skills‘ can lead to increased productivity and profits. Her sharp style and savvy examples clearly communicate how to turn chronic problems into a powerful opportunities.

Noted business author, Jim Cathcart, says,
” This book is needed in every business library. Rhoberta Shaler has distilled for you a wealth of specific recommendations to take the intimidation and anxiety out of your workdays. Conflict will always exist but those who can manage it well become masters of it, not victims. Buy this book!

Dr. Shaler provides the keys to overcoming both cultural and personal denials, contradictions and avoidance in order to master difficult-to-handle situations. She has done a masterful job of identifying the core issues that impact productivity and applying a framework for positive change.

This practical book gives you the insights, skills and strategies to speak up with confidence, teach people how to treat you, and, get what you need and want! A prescription for success!

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