Understanding how “all or nothing” or “black and white” thinking divides your relationship and reduces the possibilities for growing towards each other is EYE-OPENING.
It’s always lurking in a Hijackal relationship, and being ready to do it differently can be GAME-CHANGING. In this episode, explore the how’s and why’s, as well as the what-to-do’s when this “splitting” occurs.
Black & white thinking leaves you feeling confused, uncertain, and fearful.NO MORE!
🧠 What splitting is
🧠 Why Hijackals are caught in black or white, all or nothing thinking
🧠 How to recognize and define all or nothing thinking
🧠 Ways in which splitting or black and white thinking shows up
🧠 What Hijackals do to emphasize their points when splitting
Some other episodes and articles you may find helpful on all-or-nothing thinking:
Self-isolating with a Narcissist? You need to know these things.