It is natural to want to be loved and love. We organically want to belong. Absolutely! It’s healthy, too. However, narcissistic people and all Hijackals excel at manipulating you and your feelings for their own purposes.
You give and give, and still it’s not enough. Then, they tell you that their poor treatment of you is not abuse, it’s because you’re inadequate. (Sad.) Not true. You are being used–and abused (yes, abused)–when all you’re long for is love, understanding, and inclusion. Narcissists exploit your desire for a healthy relationship. It’s sad, nasty, and very manipulative.
Listen in and find the words to describe what you’re feeling and why..
To EXPLOIT means “to make full use of or derive benefit from.” Aren’t Hijackals expecting things to work for their benefit all the time? There’s no equality in that.
- Why it’s natural to want to belong and feel part of a community/relationship
- John O’Donohue’s words on belonging
- Understanding ways you may be being exploited by a Hijackal, a narcissist, or other difficult person
- Why you might argue that you’re not being exploited
- Why you cannot live up to a narcissist’s idealized version of you
- Why narcissists are more interested in using you than loving you
- How Hijackals fail to see who you really are (aside from the fact that they don’t care to!)
I’m here to help. Let’s talk soon.
Here’s the livestream recording – lots of good conversation at the end: